Company policy
Health and Safety
Nzoia sugar company puts a lot of emphasis on issues of the environment and safety.
The company has put in place policies, set objectives and targets based on the knowledge about its environmental, health and safety aspects and significant environmental, health and safety impacts associated with its activities, products and services. This ensures that the significant environmental, health and safety impacts associated with these aspects are taken into account in setting the environmental objectives. The identification of the environmental aspects is an ongoing process that determines the past, current and potential impacts (positive or negative) of the organization’s activities on the environment, health and safety. This process also includes the identification of the potential regulatory, legal and business exposure affecting the organization.
To achieve objectives, the company carries out annual environmental, health and safety audits in compliance with the environmental management and co-ordination act 2007. The audits carried out includes, environment audit, safety and health audit, noise level, thermal, air quality, waste water, hazardous substance, fire safety, risk assessments, plant inspections and medical examination among others. The environmental, health and safety aspects identified forms the basis for development of environmental, health and safety management plan for implementation and continual review. It also forms part of the company strategic plan on addressing potential impact to the organization. To this end, the company has successfully implemented and reserved substantial number of aspects and significant impacts as identified in the audits.
Just to mention a few areas the company has successful implemented includes:- Installation of a wet scrubber to reduce fly ahs emission, replacement of asbestos roofing materials, establishment of additional oxidation ponds to improve on waste water quality, safe handling of used oil, reduction in accidents and incidents, procurements of new and modern fire engine, creating awareness on environment, health and safety, construction of adequate and modern ablutions block, provision of wholesome water among many others.
To spearhead the environment, health and safety activities, the company has put in place an environment, health and safety committee whose main function is to monitor and ensure implementation of audits recommendation in their respective areas of operations.
In conclusion, the company is committed to providing a safe, healthy and clean environment for employees, stakeholders and the public in the course of carrying out its functions.

Milling capacity
The company had an initial milling capacity of 2000 tones of cane per day (TCD). In 1989, this capacity was expanded to 3000 TCD. While this growth was phenomenal, optimum utilization was not realized due to plant operational limitations. The company however has to attain optimum utilization of the factory capacity at 3000 TCD and 315 tones of sugar per day by undertaking factory rehabilitation and product diversification to enable the company remain competitive and also attractive for privatization. The company further intends to enhance the factory capacity to 7000 TCD and 735 Tones of Sugar per day during the current Strategic Plan period.
Products and Services
Sugar Products
The Company boasts of premium quality sugar packaged as 1/4kg, 1/2kg, 1kg, 2kg, 5kg, 10kg, 25kg and 50kg. to meet the needs of all consumers.
Our products are readily available in all key supermarkets, regional supermarkets, wholesale/ distributors and retail outlets across the country.

Molasses is a byproduct of sugar processing usually consumed by corporate organizations for manufacture of ethanol and farmers for animal feed preparation. Our rich blend of molasses is processed skillfully to provide customers with high quality product.
Farmers’ recruitment.
Facilitating land operations, survey and farm inputs to farmers.
Farmers’ education and extension services.
Facilitating cane harvesting and transport services to farmers.
Undertaking collaborative research.
Laboratory analysis of sugarcane quality.
Procurement of goods and services.
Safety and First Aid services.
Selling of sugar and molasses.
Payment to customers/farmers/suppliers.
Facilitating of access road networks, improvement and construction of bridges.
Meteorological forecasting and reporting.
Soil sampling and analysis.
Provision of clean water from protected springs.
Provision of industrial attachment.
Public complaint resolution.

Raw Material Base
The company has a Nucleus Estate spanning 3,600ha and an out grower zone spanning 23,500ha. The out grower zone encompasses over 67,000 farmers in total. Varieties of sugar cane grown include CO421, CO945, N14, EAK70-97, EAK70-76, KEN 82-472, D84-84, KEN82-808 and KEN83-737. The current sugar cane yields average 80 tonnes per hectare (TCH), which translate to 90-120 TCH per Plant Crop and 60-80 TCH per Ratoon.
To support the cane production programs, the company provides extension services to farmers on proper crop husbandry through a network of outreach offices where farmers get information and advice on fertilizer, herbicide and seed cane usage. Weed control is integrated and includes mechanical, manual and chemical interventions.
Factory Maintenance
Factory Maintenance is key to our smooth operations and product quality
- Daily inspections are carried out as necessary and steps taken to ensure continuity.
- An annual equipment maintenance schedule for all key equipment is in place and is followed to schedule maintenance jobs. This is developed in line with manufacturers recommendations.
Factory operations being on 24 hours per day basis, the factory closes down for about 24 hours every two weeks for equipment cleaning and maintenance.
Major equipment servicing is done once every year for a period of 4 – 6 weeks. During this time;
1) Mill rollers are renewed; turbines and centrifugal serviced in consultations with the original equipment manufacturers, worn out parts in other equipment are renewed.
2) Weighbridges and other weighing scales are serviced, calibrated and stamped by Department of Weights and Measures.
3) Boilers, pressure vessels and lifting equipment are inspected and certified for operation by Approved Government Inspectors.
Environmental audits are carried out annually and recommendations implemented to ensure safe and conducive production environment and quality products.
Factory Laboratory Operations
The laboratory has the main function of monitoring the quality of the final product through in line process checks. These checks are carried out at various stages of sugar manufacturing to ensure that the intermediate product of every stage attains the desired quality characteristics.
To manage the Quality control system the management has ensured that the quality checks are carried out promptly and as per the laid down procedures.
We have schedules which determine the frequency of sampling of various materials and the tests carried out on these samples. Every shift has a team of qualified personnel who ensure proper sampling and the analysis is done properly.
All the records of samples and analysis done are recorded in log books and log sheets for ease of retrieval. The accuracy of the analytical results is confirmed by spot checks carried out by the team on general shift. The outcomes of the analytical results are used in various calculations such as the pol balancing and hence the production report making.
The laboratory prepares and distributes the daily, weekly, and monthly production reports. These reports are distributed to the relevant managers. These reports capture the key parameters that need close monitoring on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to enable decision making basing on facts.
The Nzoia Sugar Company Ltd Laboratory works in liaison with other external laboratories to complement and check its analysis
Quick Links
Nzoia Sugar Company,
P.O. Box 285 – 50200 Bungoma.
Mobile: 0727-477777/ 0727-483483