By Peter Wekhomba.

Nzoia Sugar Company staff from the Agriculture Department were taken through a training on how to conduct a cane availability survey in the Company’s Nucleus Estate farm and in the Outgrowers       regions.

The training which was conducted by experts from the Agricultural and Food Authority (AFA), took place on 18th November 2024 at the Company’s training center.

Following this training, the company field staff and enumerators will be expected to use the skills to conduct a cane census in the Company’s Nucleus Estate farm and the Outgrowers region.

Mr. Kosgei, an Officer from Agricultural and Food Authority (AFA), stated that the exercise will begin on November 19th, 2024 and end on November 26th 2024. He added that the exercise will help sugar    industries forecast and plan for available cane on the ground. The research will also assist the sugar firms in deciding whether to develop more cane in order to secure a sufficient supply of raw material to curb the ongoing cane shortage.

The exercise is generally undertaken annually at sugar firms around the country in order to plan for seamless operations.

Agricultural and Food Authority (AFA) is the body mandated to regulate, promote, and develop     scheduled crop value chains to ensure sustainable agriculture, food security, and economic growth.

Mr. Kosgei from AFA showing field assistants and enumarators how to conduct cane census

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