Sweetening Kenya since 1978
To efficiently, innovatively and sustainably produce and market sugar and other products in a clean and safe environment to the satisfaction of all stakeholders
To be globally competitive in production and marketing of sugar and other products.
-To Manufacture sugar and co-products from sugarcane.
-To establish and manage sugarcane plantations and assist others to do so.
Nzoia Sugar Company Limited (NSC) is one of the key players in Kenya’s sugar Industry. Nzoia Sugar Company is located in Bungoma County, Bungoma South sub-County, 5 Kilometers from Bukembe, off the Webuye-Bungoma highway.
The Company serves over 45,000 farmers in the larger Bungoma, Kakamega, Lugari and Malava. It is situated at a latitude of 0? 35’N and a longitude of 34? 40’E, and an altitude of between 1420-1490 meters above sea level.
The Company was established in 1975, under the Companies Act Cap. 486 of the Laws of Kenya with Memorandum and Articles of Association and issued a certificate of incorporation No.C13734 dated 1st August, 1975. The Government is the major shareholder owning 98% of the shares, while Fives Cail and IDB Capital own the remaining 2%.
NSC produces sugar and supports cane production through the provision of extension services to farmers with an extensive Company nucleus cane estate covering 3,600 ha and an outgrower zone spanning more than 23,500 ha under cane.
Quality Management System

Some of these benefits include:
- Increased customer satisfaction
- Increased productivity
- Improved working environment
- Reduced wastage
- Improved adherence to the approved document procedures.
Nzoia Sugar Company Ltd. is on the transition process from ISO 9001:2008 to ISO 9001:2015. The company has realized several benefits due to implementation and maintenance of the Quality Management System

Our Presence

Quick Links
Nzoia Sugar Company,
P.O. Box 285 – 50200 Bungoma.
Email: md@nzoiasugar.com
Mobile: 0727-477777/ 0727-483483
Website: www.nzoiasugar.co.ke